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Fairtheoir Thuaidh
Pronounced a little like far·hoar who·ig, a publishing maisonette looked down upon by pygmies. A minuscule vanity publishing tent created to provide U.U.I.D.s for three e-books of poetry by J.P. Ó Nuanáin.
  1. Publications
  2. Copright
  3. Access keys
  4. Colophon


Nuts & bolts

The website is currently generated by Middleman.

The Middleman files to build this repository are in the master branch of the FairtheoirThuaidh repository on Github.

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Unless otherwise indicated, you are free to use and adapt all code with (or without) attribution. Where derivative code has been used I have attempted to attribute it in the source and this colophon.


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S.V.G. icons

For the purposes of visual embellishment, I make use of several S.V.G. icons from Icomoon.

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