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Fairtheoir Thuaidh
Pronounced a little like far·hoar who·ig, a publishing maisonette looked down upon by pygmies. A minuscule vanity publishing tent created to provide U.U.I.D.s for three e-books of poetry by J.P. Ó Nuanáin.
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Small dreams of monogamy

A baker’s dozen of explode and make-up poems

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Thirteen poems about relationships; their tentative triumphs and unmitigated disasters.

Joseph Addison once claimed that “There is no defence against criticism except obscurity.” If you’ve taken the time to read, please illuminate or singe me with the bright light of your opinions of ‘Small dreams of monogamy’ on Goodreads.

Self-anthro­promorph­izing monkey

Nine whines from the edge of somebody

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Nine illegally, or otherwise, alienated poems. Crows, bear-suits, and the buzzings of intimate flies.

If, by the glimmer of some far distant star, you have read this book; please take this opportunity to brag about your erudition on the Goodreads page for ‘Self-anthro­promorph­izing monkey’. Though as the character Cliff Poncier in the 1992 film Singles said: “Wait a minute, man. I don’t want to hear anything negative.”

The boy with worms in his pockets

Unheard little children, in nine fragments

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Nine poems from the sullen ranks of childhood. Work experience, funerals, and furtive fumblings.

Like Virginia Woolf, “I work early in the morning, before my nasty critic gets up—he rises about noon. By then, I’ve put in much of a day’s work.” Feel free to praise on ‘The boy with worms in his pockets’ on Goodreads before 12 London time; for negative remarks please restrain your steeds till the afternoon.

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